Understanding your bill
For an explanation of any part of Intermountain Gas Company’s bill format, just click on that specific section. The larger image shows the front of your bill; the smaller, inset image displays the back of the bill.
To see explanations for specific charges and credits listed on your bill, please visit our Explanation of Charges page.

1. Customer Information
Here you will find the name listed on the account, as well as the service address, where natural gas is delivered.
2. Account Number
This area contains your account number, the bill date, the amount due, and the date payment is due. Information previously connect to your old account number will be linked to your new account number.
3. Account Summary
This area provides a summary of your account: your previous balance, previous payment, current balance, total amount due, and the due date of your next payment. Adjustments, if any will also be shown here.
4. Intermountain’s Contact Information
Use the information here to contact us, to report an emergency, and to get answers to all of your billing and customer service questions.
5. Gas Charges
This area gives a detailed listing of natural gas utility service charges, including your consumption, the most recent meter reading, days in the billing cycle and the applicable rate schedule. Learn How to Read Your Meter.
6. Usage History
This graph shows up to a 13 month comparison of your historical natural gas consumption.
7. Message Center
Watch this area for important messages related to your account.
8. Bill Remittance Stub
Return this portion of the bill to Intermountain Gas Company with your payment. When mailing your payment, please make sure the address on the remittance stub shows through the window on the return envelope.
9. Ways to Pay Your Bill
This section provides important information about the various bill payment options available.
10. Billing Terms & Definitions
Here you will find important billing terms and definitions that are useful for understanding your bill.
11. Important Customer Information
Information regarding payment arrangements, financial assistance, payments made by check, postponement of a suspension of service and the Idaho Public Utilities Commission contact information.
12. Your Gas Piping Message
Message regarding the buried gas piping between Intermountain Gas Company’s meter and your natural gas appliances. You are responsible for the maintenance of this pipe.
13. New Address or Phone Number
If your contact information has changed, please complete this section and send it to Intermountain Gas Company with your payment.
If you have questions about the bill format, please contact Customer Service.